Little Miss Gotcha Day

Hey It’s Jet Here.

We’re participating in the Channukah Crawl this year, whoo hoo! Today, share the last Hannukah (I know, I spell it differently!) post with Cat Wisdom 101.

Technically, Mom and I will complete this post on JJ’s official Gotcha Day, December 14th.  Due to Mom’s cold/flu thingie and flow of posts, we’re posting Saturday.

Can you believe a year ago today, Little Miss JJ joined the family?  Here’s how it happened:

Koko 10-16-08 2After my golden sister, Koko, crossed *OTRB* in September 2011, we grieved.  As you know, starting my blog lifted our spirits and has now become a treasured part of our lives.  In November, 2011, Mom and Rachel thought they could no longer live in Casa Jet without A) another girl to even the odds (Puffy, Fluffy and I v. Mom and Rachel) and B) a GOLDEN!

Mom and Rachel began compulsively checking Golden Rescue South Florida’s website and FB page.  They found a possible situation, visited the K9 in question and then… icky stuff happened.  Let’s say the universe wanted us to wait.  Rachel was crushed, Mom saddened and me… truthfully, I didn’t know any better.

hannukah 2011 008Inner workings aside, Mom received a call from Miss Lisa at GRSF on December 13, 2012, that a 5-6 year old female was sprung from Miami Dade Animal Services and Mom could meet her the next night.  Mom didn’t want to disappoint Rachel, so, she went alone.  Two minutes in the door and that was that, JJ came home for a sleepover FOREVER!

Mom opened the garage and told Rachel to get something in the kitchen after school the next day.  Rachel did NOT show enthusiasm.  Mom did the usual “beg the teenager thingie” and Rachel went in to find a golden tail swishing.  Mom heard the expected squeal of delight.  She and Mom named JJ, Skylar on the way to Dr. Schaffer’s to get Skylar checked out.

skylar and dr. schaffer

jasmineWhen we announced Skylar’s arrival, our blogpals did not join in agreement over the name.  What did Mom do?  She asked for submissions!  Miss Wendy, (no doubt you’ve seen her in our comment queue), recommended both Joy and Jasmine.  Since Mom liked Jasmine first and Rachel preferred Joy, they compromised with JJ.  Mom thinks JJ fits way better anyway and she liked having another K9 with a “J” name.  Little Miss Sweet, Spunky and Sassy quickly exhibited many personality traits on a daily basis, and we learned more and more about her as the time passed.

We’ll share more memories throughout the week.

Another great, JJ’s first Gotcha Day Celebration.

Thanks to Life With DogsConfessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers for hosting the Saturday Blog Hop.

saturday blog hop

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Supporting Shelter Month – Tropical Style

Hey It’s Jet Here.

We wanted to do our part to support Shelter month by sharing two events in our area.  Next Friday night, PetSmart Charities presents: Midnight to Midnight Mega Pet Adoption Event.   How cool is that!  A puppy/kitten kickoff at Midnight on Friday should start the event off adorably!  Kids’ activities and food trucks will round out the format.  The ASPCA,  Humane Society of Greater Miami, Miami-Dade County Animal Services (This is where Golden Rescue South Florida Found me and JJ!) , and the Cat Network will participate.  (We adopted Puffy and Fluffy from Cat Network, many moons ago, btw!)

I’m slightly offended that no one called ‘ol Jetty boy to pose for the poster!

Now, if that’s not enough, Miss Mary Ann forwarded the following photo to Mom in a text.

Fireman and Rescues Rocking the Runway?  Ladies, ladies, stand back!  Again, fairly flummoxed (VBP – vocab building project) that I, Jetty the Gentleman, did not hear the phone ring asking me to model for the poster. I can show my abs:

Friends Forever, the group hosting the event, is the group my sweet golden sister, Koko, came from.

Whether you live in the tropics or elsewhere, please support shelter month.  Koko, Fluffy (OTRB), Puffy, JJ and I all found our forever families through shelter adoption.  We deeply appreciate all of the humans who help K9s and felines like us find their own forever families.  We acknowledge your dedication, love and support and share it back tenfold!

Another great shelter events day in the tropics.

Thanks to Life With DogsConfessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers for hosting the Saturday Blog Hop.

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Our First Black and White Sunday

Hey It’s Jet Here.

For those of you who read some of our comments, you will know that Miss Wendy, our friend from Golden Rescue South Florida, writes the kindest, most frequent notes to Casa Jet.  One of her K9s, Barkley, a fellow rescued manly man, is about 14 years old now.

Miss Wendy mentioned recently that Barkley has slowed down a lot and seems a bit uncomfortable with arthritis.  She takes fantabulous care of him.  We wanted to share some Jetty kisses and JJ hugs with our virtual pal.  We’re thinking about you Barkley.  xoxoxoxo

Another great, love ya man, day.

Thanks to My Life in Blog Years ​and Dachshund Nola for hosting the Black and White Sunday blog hop.

Our First Follow Up Friday…

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Our friend, Miss Jodi, created this great idea to update readers on previous posts.  She created a lovely badge to go with her idea.

Mom, Rachel, Puffy, JJ and I want to thank so many of our blog pals, friends and neighbors for their thoughtful words, texts and calls of love and support yesterday.   Rachel woke Mom up around 3:00 this morning, when she felt a wave of sadness.  JJ, ever the happy soul, encouraged lots of belly rubs while Mom and Rachel reminisced about Fluffy, Koko, Mugs, as well as Puffy, JJ and me.  Amongst the tears and tissues, giggles and laughter reached me as I listened cuddled up in the corner of Mom’s closet.

When speaking with Miss Linda of Savannah’s Paw Tracks and Miss Wendy, our Golden Rescue South Florida friend, Mom marveled at the level and speed of support and caring the pet blogging community provides… and few of us know or knew each other prior to blogging!

BSL opportunity for change fails in Miami.  Here’s a scathing (vocab builder) post about the results and one from our NBC station.

Oops, I did it again… we had another storm yesterday (of course) and Mom returned to a similar version of Mischief Monday.  She quietly fixed the apparatus and let it go because we all felt extra sad yesterday.

Mom spoke to Austin’s Mom on Wednesday and thanked her for her lovely note of appreciation.  Miss Judy said she may ask Mom to stop by and train her and Mr. Andy.  BOL!    Mom told Mr. Andy, (her employer), she misses Austin and might need a visit.  He smiled broadly and said anytime.   He told Mom Austin already misplaced his rope!

Another great, well, at least better than yesterday, day.

Mischief Monday – BTC4 Animals – Who Doesn’t Like Black?

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Today, the wonderful folks at Blog the Change 4 Animals, coordinated an event to assist Dog Rescue.  As you know, Koko, may she be frolicking over the Rainbow Bridge, JJ and I all benefited from Golden Rescue South Florida and… MOM!  Before we knew many of you, we posted on Black Friday about one aspect of Dog Rescue.  We’re reposting for those who missed it the first go round.

Additionally, it’s Mischief Monday!  To make it short and sweet naughty, the humans who discriminate against black K9s below are the MISCHIEF MAKERS!

So, Mom told me that today is this thing called Black Friday.  How nice of the world to commemorate the fetching color of my fur!  Not all black dogs have luck like me.  Have you ever heard of Black Dog Syndrome?   “Well known to shelter workers and rescue organizations across the nation, black dogs are much more difficult to find homes for. They are the last dogs to find homes and often among the first to be euthanized.”

The following thoughts contribute to BDS:

  • Some people have the crazy idea that us black pearls bring bad luck like that whole silly black cat thing.
  • We may not photograph as well as other fur colors making us less eye catching on websites. Second Chance Photos can teach you how to make us look our best.
  • Now I like movies like the next K9 (Marley and Me? Inspired!), however, that Hollywood place often selects black dogs for scary movies.
  • Our most beautiful selves do not shine in shelter cages.

I’m super lucky, Golden Retriever Rescue South Florida loved my face (what can I say?) and broke me out of the shelter with four days to spare.  They help flat coat retrievers now-a-days, too.  (thank you, thank you, thank you.)

So, when you shop ‘til you drop today and if you’re thinking of adding a furry member to your family this holiday season, remember – Black is beautiful.

Another great black pearl day.

What can you do?

  • Adopt a companion:
  • Donate to a local dog rescue organization
  • Foster a dog
  • Volunteer at a local shelter or rescue organization
  • Share this post across all forms of social media and encourage others to participate!

Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog BlogMy Brown Newfies and Luna, A Dog’s Life…for sponsoring the hop!  Click on any of the sponsors to join the hop.

Linda and the Brown Dawgs Saved JJ’s Life

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Serious stuff today.  Starting with the ending, JJ should be fine, we’ll know for sure by 9:30 a.m. **Update** – JJ and Mom just returned home.  She had endometriosis and beginning pyometra.  She did well in surgery, needs to be calm (hmpf) and should get back to her usual self soon.  Thanks to those who already wrote in asking how JJ was doing.

As many readers know, Mom and I still rank as Newbies in the PetBlog world.  We began my blog in October 2011, a few weeks after we lost Koko, Mom’s first ever K9.  You helped us welcome JJ, our new golden girl in December.  You even helped name her!

You may even recall that even though Animal Services told Golden Rescue South Florida JJ was that thing called spayed and GRSF told Mom the same, we had quite the surprise in February and again last Sunday.

When Linda, Storm, Thunder, Freighter and Nestle (of 2 Brown Dawgs fame) read our Mischief Monday post, Linda sent a comment back that something was wrong, to look up this big word called pyometra, and recommended that we call Dr. Shaffer.   Since Mom read their comment around midnight, she called first thing Tuesday.

Judy, who runs the front desk, left Mom feeling more comfortable, but said she would pass the question on to Dr. Shaffer and let Mom know.  Judy called Mom at work on Wednesday and said Dr. Shaffer tended to agree with Linda and the brown dawgs.   Since JJ had NO symptoms, Mom made the appointment for first thing yesterday.

Just in case, Mom restricted food and water after midnight in case JJ needed unexpected surgery.  Mom got the call at work again.  Judy said they would spay JJ and check for the scary stuff during surgery.  At day’s end, Judy called to say JJ did great in surgery, however, Dr. Shaffer hadn’t mentioned any further details.  JJ’s having a sleepover at Dr. Shaffer’s tonight to make sure everything is ok.  We already miss our cuddle bunny in bed!

Since Mom’s never had an unaltered K9, we would have never known (or for sure not as rapidly) about pyometra without Linda and the brown dawgs.

Thank you Linda, Storm, Thunder, Freighter and Nestle for saving our girl’s life and educating us.  Thanks in the larger sense to our new blogging friends, we never expected such support, connection and caring.

Another great, things will be ok with JJ, day.

Thanks to Life With Dogs, Confessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers for hosting the Saturday Blog Hop.

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Mischief Monday – This Was Not Supposed To Happen

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Fair warning… delicate topic today.  When you adopt a K9, at least in our area, they must be “fixed.”  Mom says she prefers not to share the definition as I may “lose my cookies!” in light of the area affected.  Anyway, Mom confirmed JJ’s status with Golden Rescue South Florida when we adopted JJ in December.  Miss Carol said Animal Services told her JJ was this thing called spayed.

W-R-O-N-G!  In February, Mom got a big surprise and I acted quite differently towards Miss JJ.  Mom asked around and learned that K9s typically “go into heat” twice a year.  Mom spoke with Judy at Dr. Shaffer’s office on Friday about just this topic.  She figured JJ would get “fixed” in June/July.

Well, that cycle stuff showed up TODAY, a mere THREE months after the first time!  Mom and my human sister had to get out the “accessory.”  Can’t that cycle thingie do proper math calculations???

To help JJ feel less self conscience, Mom and Miss Mary Ann (really Miss Mary Ann who has much more talent in this area) toyed around with a name or two:

  • Aunt Flo’s Granny Panties
  • . Panties
  • The Denim Diaper (Rachel’s contribution)

Another great, but confusing girl stuff, day.

Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog BlogMy Brown Newfies and Luna, A Dog’s Life…for sponsoring the hop!  Click on any of the sponsors to join the hop.

Wordless Wednesday: Million Dollar Mug

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Look at this face:

This is Red Tibetan Mastiff, Big Splash – price tag: 1.5 million dollars… Big Splash INDEED! (A Chinese coal baron purchased him.)

Uh Mom?  In relation to Big Splash, at $300 for my GRSF adoption, I was the bargain of the century!

Jetty, my word for you – priceless!

Another great priceless day.

Thanks to blogpaws for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Hop.  Click here to join the fun.

Blog the Change – GRSF

Hey It’s Jet Here.

We’re participating in Blog the Change Day today.

Blog the Change

Today, we’re saluting breed rescues.   Often, when a movie highlights a particular breed, like the Airbud series, a dumping of that breed occurs when humans realize that puppies = lots of work, the breed does not suit the human’s situation, or the K9 does not act like the K9 in the movie.

Mom waited almost 30 years to share her life with a Golden Retriever, like my Great Aunt Harriet’s K9, Brandy.  When Mom learned about breed rescue in the summer of 2004, she could not believe that four Golden Retriever rescues existed in the South Florida area.

Mom and I have shared our gratitude for Golden Rescue South Florida many times.   We support GRSF because they:

  • Kept my sister, Koko, (may she be frolicking over the Rainbow Bridge), out of the pound when her human went to jail in 2005,
  • Saved my life with 4 days to spare from Animal Services in 2008, even though I was not a golden. (Thank heavens Miss Carole thought my face was handsome!)
  • Plucked JJ out of Animal Services when she got dumped in 2011.

Three women, Miss Carol in Miami Dade County, Miss Lee Ann in Broward County and Miss Lisa in Palm Beach County have dedicated and committed themselves 1000% to help save and find forever homes for Goldens, mostly Goldens and a few honorary Goldens!  We appreciate them with all our hearts and paws.


Remember, if you feel deeply connected to a particular breed, no worries, you can STILL rescue!  Google your breed of choice with the word rescue plus your state and see what happens.

Another great Blog the Change Day.