Mischief Monday: Guess Who Came for Dinner?

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Last week, I was hanging out in the kitchen watching Mom begin preparing her “leftover mix” dinner, while Little Miss “I Must Take Recipe Notes” watched more closely.

Out of the corner of her eye, Mom saw a swish of golden fur outside the kitchen window.  Her first response – double check to see that Little Miss Golden Girl was in the kitchen and that Mom was not experiencing double vision!  Confident that her eyesight was not playing tricks on her, (did I tell you that Mom failed the eye test at the driver’s license bureau this past spring?  Yup, went in and failed… had no idea she needed glasses, poor thing! Whoops, I digressed again…) she properly looked out the window.

Our buddy, Simba, wagging so hard he could have powered our refrigerator for a day, looked at Mom, patiently waiting for his invitation to come in.  Mom opened the sliding door and Simba bounded in for a grand entrance befitting another happy, happy golden!  We all greeted him enthusiastically and Mom wondered how long he had been “at large” because he smelled slightly swampy! (Which means we thought he might have already had a little swim in the canal!)

Anywhoo, Mom immediately texted his human big sister, Joanna, to see what she wanted us to do.  Turns out, Joanna now lives on campus at the University of Miami and was in the middle of a class!  She said she would drive over when class let out.  Mom replied no worries, Simba could join us for dinner and our evening constitutional.

Simba and JJ both felt the need to carefully scrutinize (VBP – vocab building project) Mom’s technique.  I thought we should frolick before dinner, especially since JJ and I already finished our dinner.  Mom tossed tidbits of sweet red pepper and carrots to all three of us while she assembled her dish.

Miss Joanna arrived about an hour later, just as we prepared to leave the house for our walk.  She shared that no one at her house (4 doors down) knew Simba had flown the coop and that, since he is HER dog, it was HER responsibility to deal with the situation.  Mom politely kept her thoughts to herself, with the exception of gently reminding Miss Joanna that she worried about Simba’s girth.  Mom mentioned that he heartily enjoyed our veggies (she was surprised!) and that we eat ½ as much kibble each day.  No judgment, just loving concern, because Simba is a super sweet, fun loving dude and we want him to stay healthy.

Another great dinner with friends, day.

Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog BlogMy Brown Newfies and Luna, A Dog’s Life…for sponsoring the hop!  Click on any of the sponsors to join the hop.

A Little Afternoon Rest

Hey It’s Jet here.

Yesterday, Mom had her phone near her bed and snapped a few shots of JJ and I hanging out together.  A note about the sheet colors… the leopard print originally entered the house back when this group called the Cheetah Girls made a few movies on the Disney Channel.  Now Casa Jet uses the cheetah sheets to protect furniture and/or Mom’s comforter.  Mom’s original comforter (20 years ago) had lots of snazzy colors and a bold design paired with the purple sheet from this company called Missoni.

Ok, moving on… JJ insisted on a quick Pedi… and… yes, I was forced to watch her technique.

She worked so diligently (VBP), she pooped herself out!

Pondering questions about the universe…

Keeping Mom’s book warm and protected… (she unearthed it the other day from her bookshelf) Animals as Guides for the Soul…

Little Miss “Look at My Newish Glow In the Dark Toy, Which I Love Even Though Mom NEVER Puts a Treat In It” will nose the ball over for Mom to throw and close this little afternoon rest session!

Another great, restful (for 10 minutes) afternoon.

Thanks to Life With DogsConfessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers for hosting the Saturday Blog Hop.


Hey It’s Jet Here.

Yesterday, we left you with a teaser… did you guess Buddy the Beagle?  Well, you see, on Tuesday, Mom, Miss Mary Ann, JJ, Dixie and I met up with Miss Cindy and Buddy.  Miss Cindy asked the ladies if they knew of a good kennel, because their K9 sitter was away.  Mom chirped right in, “I K9 sit.”  Miss Cindy and Mom made a quick arrangement.  Mom visited Buddy’s house to make sure she knew all of Buddy’s preferences and stuff.

Before I continue, we have another teaser… we have been working on something with two anipals, can you guess who?  Ok, back to Buddy!

Remember, Mom’s familiar with retrievers, the Beagle heritage is quite new to her.  The following Beagle/Buddy behaviors have stood out so far:

  • Buddy loves to snuggle if Mom sits on the floor with him.
  • Unlike JJ and me, Buddy does NOT inhale his food.  He politely visits with Mom and then after about 10 minutes civilly eats his kibble.
  • Whereas JJ and I slurp water as if we spent the last three days traipsing (VBP – vocab builder project) across the Sahara, Buddy takes a few swigs and moves on.
  • Buddy only requires a lightweight leash, unlike our secure, heavy duty, yet fashionable varieties.
  • See lizard/gecko – will chase, catch and deliver!  Ewwwww!
  • NEVER stops moving… the dude needs to chillax a little! Mom cannot capture his face clearly to show you.
  • Mom says his tail moves like a metronome when they walk.
  • He makes a funny grunting noise… at first, Mom thought he was choking, then she thought he was wheezing, then she realized he was happy.
  • Of course, the beagle bay differs from our retriever barking!

Mom felt so sad looking at Buddy’s face on both night one and night two, so she brought him home for a sleepover!  We all blended well.  Buddy zipped through the house investigating everything.  Mom did not think he could jump up on the bed.  W-R-O-N-G!  He looked like he had springs attached to his paws like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh!  Finally, drained of energy, Mom, JJ, and Buddy fell asleep on her bed while I monitored the bedroom from a few different vantage (VBP) points.

Another great Buddy, day.

Thanks to Life With DogsConfessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers for hosting the Saturday Blog Hop.

Our Fourth Black & White Sunday: Austin – My Favorite Frisbee

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Hi Guys, (Mom’s NJ term of endearment)

Please forgive us for not hopping around much since Friday.  Mom’s still in computer you know what!  Mr. Ron contacted Mom yesterday (your crossed fingers and paws obviously worked!) and he directed Mom over the phone to do all kinds of thingies… which, unfortunately did NOT resolve the problem.  In addition, she had no internet access all day.  😦

We’ll try to catch up today!  Now to the hop at hand:

Another great, Mom… where’s MY frisbee, day!

Thanks to My Life in Blog Years ​and Dachshund Nola for hosting the Black and White Sunday blog hop.

Long Time No See

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Mom’s employer, Mr. Andy, asked if Mom wanted to take care of Austin this weekend.  Of course, Mom jumped at the chance.  Armed with the house key and a security review, she looked forward to her first visit of the weekend after our evening constitutional last night.  Mom wondered if Austin would remember her.

Austin greeted her in fine golden fashion with barks and major wagging.  His tail wagged so hard and fast the back half of his body had to compensate in the opposite direction!  He looked like he choreographed a Latin Salsa!

After a quick “empty the tank”, Mom decided to see if they could play inside since she arrived after dark and she couldn’t find her light stick at home.  Of course Mom sat on the floor and gave Austin a proper “hello, great to see you again” back massage and major belly rub.

Then, she told Austin to, “bring me a toy.”  Wagging.  Go ahead Austin, “where’s your toy?”  Wagging.  “Austin, let’s play rope… do you still have your rope?”  Austin reversed and went off to the family room and trotted back with his prized rope!  You may recall this is the toy Mom purchased for him during “Olympic Dog Sitting Week!”  I bet if I saw Mom at that moment, I would have seen a humongous smile on her face.

Oh they had fun playing tug, fetch, with intervals of Austin playing with the rope and Mom taking pictures.  Mom transcribed a text from Austin to his human parents letting them know he felt comfortable with Mom and enjoyed seeing her again.

Another great Austin Weekend.

Thanks to Life With DogsConfessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers for hosting the Saturday Blog Hop.

Wordless Wednesday – Koko, Jet & Nancy

Hey It’s Jet Here.

In March 2010, Mom’s talented photographer friend, Miss Carmen, invited us to play with Nancy in their backyard.  We love visiting backyards which have fences so we can go off leash.

First, we sniffed around…

Then we started to play Chase and Wrestle…

Mom said we looked like great white sharks!  BOL… we’re just goofing around, we don’t snap our jaws shut!

Showing Nancy my “vulnerable” side!  (ok, Mom loves to show my white poof on my belly!)

Koko in repose. (vocab builder project – VBP)

Chasing two ladies can tire a guy!

Another great Koko playdate.

Thanks to BlogPaws for sponsoring the Wordless Wednesday Hop.

Tasty Tuesday – Koko’s Favorite Vegetable

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Thanks to Sugar and Kol for initiating Tasty Tuesdays, today is our twenty-fourth participating post!

When I joined my forever family, I quickly learned not to mess with the original Kitchen K9’s sweet red pepper tidbits.  As you may or may not already know, Mom shares lots of veggie tidbits when she makes salads.  I’ve noticed Mom equally divides the tidbits and makes sure we are fed one, two in alternating order to keep things fair and square.

Except when Koko received her sweet red pepper… she couldn’t get enough.  Mom watched her intake for tummy purposes of course.  She wished Koko could tell her why that veggie in particular made her happy.  In honor of Koko, we would like to share a recipe with sweet red pepper (ok, we love the yogurt part, too… and I, Kitchen K9 Jetty, like to lick the olive oil off the tablespoon measure!)

Roasted Red Pepper, Feta and Yogurt Dip

  • 2 lg roasted red peppers
  • 8 oz. plain low fat yogurt
  • 1/3 c. crumbled feta cheese
  • 8 fresh basil leaves
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tsp. oregano
  • 1 tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • ½ tsp. raw cane sugar

Place ingredients in a food processor and pulse until smooth. Adjust seasonings to taste.

Another great, sweet red pepper day.

Our Second Black and White Sunday – Koko Week

Hey It’s Jet here.

For most of Koko’s life, Mom did not own a digital camera nor a smart phone.  She tried to obtain as many photos as she could when the opportunity presented itself.  Here’s one of her favorites because it captures Koko’s essence.  Mom’s workmate, now a full time photographer took the shot in our backyard in Fall 2008.

Thanks to My Life in Blog Years ​and Dachshund Nola for hosting the Black and White Sunday blog hop.