Thankful Thursday – The Little Thingies

Hey It’s Jet Here.

checklistMom mentioned that today marks the last Thursday of this calendar year.  She suggested I take stock of the little thingies I appreciate.  I compiled my complete list, which I’m afraid to start unraveling, since Little Miss Chewminator might get ideas!  I’ll share a few salient (VBP vocab builder project) points.

Of course, I’m thankful for life’s big thingies: safe forever home, abundant, healthy food, a loving family, a Mom who has a few biscuit earning places to go to, a great neighborhood pack and an amazing experience in Blogville.  I do not take these basics for granted because I did not have them in the “before” time.

Here are a few little thingies:

Blogpals like Miss Ann who sent Mom a link to Shameless Cones after reading about my most recent pyoderma occurrence.

shameless cones(They need to work on a manly man design!)

savvy-and-jet-sidebar-revBlogpals like Mollie and Alfie, Princess Zena, Lady Litchi, Savannah and Miss Ann who include me in their most creative endeavors.

My friends at Paradise Animal Center who take care of JJ and I: Miss Judy writes the kindest condolence cards and checks up on us multiple times after our visits, Dr. Schaffer tells funny jokes to take my mind off of the scary stuff (actually, he kisses me and scratches behind my ears, tells me I’m a good boy, etc…) and all the vet techs who love and care for us.

5Little Miss Happy Happy, who keeps me company and reminds me that the little things can really make your day; like wresting, snoozing, playing fetch, performing QC (quality control), birdwatching, window watching, sniffing, waiting for belly rubs, etc…

Speaking of Little Miss Winning Ways, I have a small bone to pick with Bo’s dad.  It has come to my attention that a certain Mr. John Kerry will become the next Secretary of State.  While I’m sure Mr. John will conduct himself in a way befitting of our nation, we think Bo’s dad overlooked the most stellar candidate.

bo and Mr. O

Bias aside, Little Miss Foreign Relations, could have continued the high standards set by females, Miss Hilary and Miss Madeline.  Who, I ask, who could resist the sweet face, the proactive paw shaking, the diplomatic presence of Jasmine Joy?

skylar and dr. schaffer

petting JJ 2

Her name suggests it all – Jasmine of the Princess line for those countries with Royal families, Joy of body, mind and spirit to deal with the challenging issues facing much of the globe from a positive, sweet disposition.  I’m slightly disappointed… there, I said it.  What, Mom?  I digressed again?  Oops. 

Another great little thingies day.

We joined the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop hosted by Pepi Smart Dog (formerly by Cokie the Cat!)
