Supporting Shelter Month – Tropical Style

Hey It’s Jet Here.

We wanted to do our part to support Shelter month by sharing two events in our area.  Next Friday night, PetSmart Charities presents: Midnight to Midnight Mega Pet Adoption Event.   How cool is that!  A puppy/kitten kickoff at Midnight on Friday should start the event off adorably!  Kids’ activities and food trucks will round out the format.  The ASPCA,  Humane Society of Greater Miami, Miami-Dade County Animal Services (This is where Golden Rescue South Florida Found me and JJ!) , and the Cat Network will participate.  (We adopted Puffy and Fluffy from Cat Network, many moons ago, btw!)

I’m slightly offended that no one called ‘ol Jetty boy to pose for the poster!

Now, if that’s not enough, Miss Mary Ann forwarded the following photo to Mom in a text.

Fireman and Rescues Rocking the Runway?  Ladies, ladies, stand back!  Again, fairly flummoxed (VBP – vocab building project) that I, Jetty the Gentleman, did not hear the phone ring asking me to model for the poster. I can show my abs:

Friends Forever, the group hosting the event, is the group my sweet golden sister, Koko, came from.

Whether you live in the tropics or elsewhere, please support shelter month.  Koko, Fluffy (OTRB), Puffy, JJ and I all found our forever families through shelter adoption.  We deeply appreciate all of the humans who help K9s and felines like us find their own forever families.  We acknowledge your dedication, love and support and share it back tenfold!

Another great shelter events day in the tropics.

Thanks to Life With DogsConfessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers for hosting the Saturday Blog Hop.

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35 thoughts on “Supporting Shelter Month – Tropical Style

    • Hey Sugar, Jet here.

      Miami begins going out at 10 P.M. Sugar, so, starting at midnight in this town is no biggie!

      Sugar? Are you looking for a date????? Those firemen would love you for sure.

  1. How cool that those firemen were willing to take off their shirts to help pets get adopted! Not that we were looking or anything… And I’m as shocked as you are that nobody called you for a public appearance at any of those events! Don’t they know that you’re a blog star?


    • Hey Bunny, Jet here.

      Just as I would naturally assume you to get the call for any publicity in your area, fetching as you are… I appreciate your understanding of my surprise at the obvious error made by the PR group! Blog star? Awww, shucks, really? You think so Bunny? You would know since we learn so much from your amazing blog!

      Yeah, JJ and Mom didn’t look at the fire fighters either… cough, cough… gotta love the guys helping those looking for forever families, whoo hoo!

    • Hey FaRaDaY, Hey Maxwell, Hey Allie, Jet here.

      Really? Thanks for the support… OBVIOUSLY, some human in charge lost their minds when making their decision!

      I work hard on maintaining those abs… I appreciate your complimentary feedback!

  2. Hey Jet!

    Thanks for telling us about the adoption events. I wish we lived closer so we could attend. We actually have a Super Pet Adoption coming up in our area that we plan on attending. Our guide dog group used to run a booth at the Super Pet Adoption, but now we just go to donate and support all of our local shelters and rescues.

    Have a great weekend!

    • Hey Dublin, Hey Derby, Hey Stetson, Hey Linus, Jet here. Hi Mr. Colby.

      Great to hear from you! Most welcome… likewise, we support all the great work you to with Guide Dogs of America. We always want to visit you at your events, but… we think you live really far away! 😦

      We’re crossing paws and fingers that lots of K9s and felines find their forever homes next weekend. 🙂

  3. I think you better make sure your phone is working, you should be getting modeling calls for these opportunities but since you are not your phone must be out of order!

  4. Pingback: Follow Up Friday: Jetters Edition | Hey… It's Jet Here

  5. Pingback: Our Eighth Black & White Sunday: Golden Pumpkins! | Hey… It's Jet Here

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