A View From Above

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Ever since Fluffy crossed *OTRB* this past August, Puffy shied away from their personal water fountain, aka Mom’s sink!  For over a decade, the pair would jump up to Mom’s sink several times a day expecting a deluge (VBP – vocab builder project) of running water from the once novel Kohler bird bath style sink.  This week, apparently, the appropriate amount of grieving time passed and Puff returned to his spot, demanding fresh running water.  Mom gladly reprised (VBP) the ritual.

A new dimension of the ritual occurred with the arrival of JJ last December.  She would go right up to the edge of the counter-top and sniff Puffy and Fluffy.  The Puffster would have no part of that and thwap her with his front paw, hissing all the while.  You would think after almost a year, Little Miss Felines Still Look Like Toys would get the hint.  No Sirree  Bob!  It happened yet again each night this week as the Puffer returned to his perch.

When Little Miss Curiosity gets thwapped and hissed at, she thinks that’s the starting sign for a fresh game of wrestle with ‘ol Jetty Boy.  Mom caught the Puffmeister tonight looking with disdain (VBP) at our evening Wrestlemania match.

Notice the relocated sneaker, Little Miss Interior Designer felt the need to shift the footwear from the kitchen to the bathroom.  Get ready for my masterful “Disappearing Jetty” move…

Another great return to the sink day.

Thanks to Life With DogsConfessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers for hosting the Saturday Blog Hop.

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45 thoughts on “A View From Above

  1. It’s great when you see certain things ‘returning’ after a time of grieving. The puppy is helping me, we are like you two most of the day, except when I’m puffed and disappear under The Producer’s desk for some peace!

    • Hey PZ, Jet here. Hi Raffles.

      I’m so glad Raffles is lifting your spirits, PZ… Little Miss High Energy has done that for us since December. Sometimes, I have to imitate a bear hibernating to catch my breath…

  2. I’m glad that Puffy was able to return to the sink. It sounds like it’s an enjoyable ritual for everyone! In an effort to get Hitch and Pumpkin to drink more water The humom purchased a fountain that has a stream of running water. You would have thought there was no other way to get a drink when the power was out for several days. Now the fountain’s running, and Hitch won’t stop playing in it. We have a giant puddle in the kitchen every morning….and a wet cat. Maybe the huMom should have stuck with the sink.
    Purrs to you,
    Mistletoe & Hitch

    • Hey Mistletoe, Hey Hitch, Jet here. Hi Miss Dorothy.

      Mom tried that drinking fountain thingie… she gave it to the boys for Hannukah when it first came out. After the novelty wore off (like a week later), they would have none of it! Too pedestrian for them… back to Mom’s sink they returned!

      I’m laughing in my head at the thought of Hitch and Pumpkin treating the fountain like a play/spa activity in addition to a beverage mode!

    • Hey Boomer, Hey Dottie, Jet here. Hi Miss Emily.

      Thanks, we figured the Puffster needed some recognition. 🙂

      He’s got lots of baggage from his horrible beginnings, however, Mom’s tried to provide a princely life ever since.

  3. Mom says all us pets grieve in different ways, some get over it faster than others, our cat Biene that passes away last year never got over the loss of her cat pal Boo even though several years had passed. Us dogs grieve too but we sure do enjoy picking on a cat – I know I do!

    • Hey Emma, Jet here. Hi Katie.

      Indeed, my Mom says the same thing.

      Yes, I must confess, every now and then… with Little Miss Cats = Toys provoking, I will give the Puffman a hard time. 🙂

    • Hey Cody, Hey Dakota, Jet here. Hi Miss Caren.

      Sorry for the late reply… digging out! We are too… he misses his brother…

      Mugs never had interest in the sink either… in fact, Mom tells me she worried for 15.5 years whether the guy ever ingested any water!

    • Hey Scout, Hey Teddy, Hey Ash, Jet here. Hi Miss Lisa.

      Thanks for complimenting the Puffster! Seems like it… Hope you had a great Turkey day, we’re digging out of our backlogged comments. 😦

    • Hey Mollie, Hey Alfie, Jet here.

      I must confess that Fluffy and the K9s bonded. Puffy has always kept his distance or thwapped us on the nose. He did not like losing his top furfamily spot to me upon my arrival.

      Thank you, he is quite dashing…

    • Hey Gizmo, Jet here. Hi JG.

      Thanks for saying that about the Puffster. 🙂

      Truthfully, I always let Little Miss Chewminator tie so she will want to wrestle with me when I bark for her attention. I would say I have a slight advantage on the muscle side and she has a slight advantage on the creative moves side!

  4. Hey Jets, Jack here that is so cool that Puffy is back to his old perch. Mom use to have a cat named Puff and she use to call him Puffman too. He went to the Rainbow Bridge several years ago just after Christmas, before I was born. The day he passed away, he managed to beg two cans of tuna off various people in the house, and then laid under the Christmas tree and went to sleep. Rob said there is something wrong with Puff, and my Aunt Val (who is a doctor) jumped out of bed and came running downstairs and started to give him Kitty CPR but he was gone. He went so peaceful that he looked like he was sleeping. The girl at the Vet’s didn’t believe that he had passed.

    On to happier things. Dude, can you say ROAD TRIP. Mom is packing now and we are going to Ohio. I love road trips. Ginger, not so much. She is always excited to go but she gets car sick (nothing gross) but whines a lot. Me, being the easy going surfer dude that I am, adapts to anything. I LOVE LOVE LOVE road trips. We will be spending one night in a hotel, so I will not get much sleep because I have to protect Mom and Ginger in a strange place. It is the manly man thing to do. Then on to meet my new cousin Dozer and see Brucifer. I hope he doesn’t doggie sucker punch me this year. Seeing my Aunt Val will be wonderful and she always has something special and tasty for us. Bro that is 1,000 miles in the car. I can’t wait.

    • Hey Jack, Hey Ginger, Jet here. Hi Miss Rebecca.

      Dude, thanks for sharing about your Puffman. What a peaceful way to cross over.

      ROAD TRIP! We remember you telling us about the planning. Whoo hoo! Please make sure Miss Rebecca stays balanced, no goofy ear issues. I respect your guarding duties at the hotel, you are the manly man. Dude, if Brucifer sucker punches you, give me a shout… I’ll, well, I’ll figure out something to help you. Visiting family for the holiday is so special… I vote for anything with fat in it! 1,000 miles is quite an accomplishment, hope Ginger can maintain balance, too. Hey, what about ginger for Ginger??? They say it helps with travel sickness and nausea? No, seriously, wonder if there are homeopathics for K9s that help with this issue. Knowing Miss Rebecca, she’s on top of it already. 🙂

      Travel safe, we look forward to your stories upon your return. Manly man chest bumps.

      • Funny you should mention ginger for Ginger. Mom buys something called Ginger Trips. They are quite tasty. I don’t need them but when Mom gives one to Ginger I beg and give her my best retriever look and I get one too. Manly man chest bumps to you too Bro. Kisses to JJ (we still need to go out on our date, I haven’t forgotten you my little furry Golden Girl). Mom send ear rubs and belly rub to all. Will catch up on Tuesday when we get organized at Aunt Val’s.

        BTW That’s 2,000 miles round trip. YIPPEE Mom’s friend Susie is going with us so Mom will not have to drive too much and we changed the route this year so we do not have to drive the West Virginia Turnpike through the big mountains. Takes a little longer which is fine with me.

        The first time I went to Ohio, I had only been in my new home for about 6 weeks. I was about 10 weeks old. Mom had a Chrysler 300 (Elliott and Ginger use to politely share the back seat but not me, so when I got bigger she bought the van to save Ginger from being walked on) she put the cooler on the floor in the back seat with my bed on top, I was so little I could lay in any direction. Mom says that I slept all the way through the mountains, rolling all over as we went around all the curves and never waking up. I will tell you something embarrassing if you promise not to tell anyone. That first trip I did get a nervous stomach and had to well ummm, pass gas a lot. Mom said it was deadly and had to keep rolling down the window. It was so bad Ginger would whine when I did it and then Mom knew to roll down the windows fast because it would be drifting up front.

      • Hey Jack, Hey Ginger, Jet here. Hi Miss Rebecca.

        Oh Dude… Little Miss Flatulance has the same issue at times… your potent secret is safe with me. Bet you looked super cute and funny rolling around during the mountain stretches! Mom let out a little giggle reading that one! What was it like having a big bro? I’ve only had fursisters.

        See, I knew Miss Rebecca would know all about the Ginger for Ginger! (and you too of course)…

        Yes, the avoidance of Mountains should help Miss Rebecca’s vertigo. Relieved to read your Mom has a friend to share the driving and keep her company (human wise). Now you have 3 lovely ladies to guard and protect, you rock, dude.

        From JJ: Oh, Jack, I so look forward to our date… if the Mom’s can’t figure it out before, we shall at least meet again at the GRSF reunion in January. 🙂 You are quite dashing, if I may say and we have lots in common. Enjoy your holiday road trip, I await your details. Sending proper JJ hugs.

  5. Hey Jett–I am learning so much from your VBP!! Thanks for sharing all of your good work! P.S. Your kitty friends are almost a gorgeous as you! Happy Caturday!

  6. Hi sweet Jetty – thanks so much for telling us about ear Puffy – so glad he’s getting back to his old routine. Juts LOVE the pics of you and JJ – she sure is a character!

    sending relaxing Saturday night hugs and kisses to you, JJ, Mom, Rachel and the star of the day Puffy xoxoxox

    • Hey it’s Jet here. Hi Miss Wendy.

      Oh, you don’t know the half of Little Miss Spunky Goldster! 😉

      Glad you enjoyed getting to know Puff better.

      Mom’s been busy with planning and writing tonight. We’ve been relaxing as you suggested!

      Sending snoozy Jetty kisses and JJ hugs to you, Mr. David, Jacob, Cassie and Rex. xoxoxoxo

    • Hey Savvy, Jetty here.

      Countdown is getting shorter, whoo hoo!

      From Puffy: Savannah, yes, let’s make a proper appointment. You know how casual the K9s are… I think I could share, for the benefit of others… and because Mother has complete confidence in your skill set. 🙂

  7. I’m glad Puffy is starting to feel more like herself! Losing someone you love is hard, but eventually, you start to heal and find things that you enjoy again. The disappearing Jetty act is a great one!


    • Hey Kroten, Hey Papoe, Hey Kurome, Jet here. Hi Miss Novroz,

      Mom asked me to share a big thank you… she purchased it the first year this new style came out.

      Oh, we’d love to see Papoe swim in it… we have 2 in the bathroom, so maybe you all could take turns???

      Puffy asked, well told me to share that he appreciates the lion compliment!!! 🙂

  8. Hey Jet,

    That’s so cool that Puffy feels ready to start drinking from the sink again!! Yay 🙂

    And cool that you get some more wrestle time – I wish I had another doggie to wrestle with, when Cosmo comes over he never wants to wrestle – doh!!

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

    • Hey Snoopy, Jet here.

      We think so, too, dude.

      Really? I thought Cosmo would be the perfect wrestle partner. hmmmm… a mystery…

      Little Miss Chewminator and I wrestle several times during the day. Mom does not worry because she can break it up if need be in a minute and… each of us show our belly to let the other one win some times. 🙂

    • Hey Dalton, Jet here.

      Dude, I must say that my moves are in reaction to Little Miss Chewminator. She really excels in the wrestling department! Perhaps she could film a video giving her training tricks. BOL!

  9. Pingback: Follow Up Friday – Gratitude Edition | Hey… It's Jet Here

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