Blog for the Change: Pyometra – Another Reason to Spay

Hey It’s Jet Here.

Um… if you do not mind, I’m going to have Mom take over today. The subject, well, I think a female would best handle it… I’m going to get some extra zzzzz’s. I’ll be back bright and shiny tomorrow morning for Mischief Monday.

Oh, sorry for the slow blog visiting the last few days; my Nana had a few falls and Mom put her attention on Nana. She knows you understand. Plus, we’ve had the usual “computer issues” again… (not complaining computer, we appreciate all you help us do…)

Thanks Jetty, pyometra almost killed your sister two months ago. For those who did not read about JJ and how Linda from 2browndawgs saved her life, read here.

Today, I want to share more of the science behind the term. Picture Pyometra like a human having appendicitis. The difference – Pyometra occurs in the uterus. Pyometra typically strikes adult unaltered females, however, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets and rats also present with this diagnosis.

From – Pyometra is a disease mainly of middle-aged female dogs that have not been spayed. … Pyometra follows a heat cycle in which fertilization did not occur. Typically, within two to four months after the cycle, the female starts showing signs of the disease.

The cause results from structural and hormonal changes in the uterine lining. While the condition can happen at ANY age, whether the female has bred or not, whether she has had one or however many heats, the potential rises as the female ages.


  • Excessive thirst leading to excessive drinking and therefore urinating,
  • Low grade fever,
  • Lethargic,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • White fluid discharge,
  • Excessive licking of vaginal area,

What to do? GO TO A VET IMMEDIATELY if the all the symptoms present. JJ had what I thought was heat cycle too early; the other symptoms did not stand out to me.

Because I rescued Koko, my first K9, she arrived spayed.  Jet did as well, following adoption procedures.  As you may know, JJ, while adopted… arrived… oops… unaltered.  I had no frame of reference.  My purpose today is to spread the word, for those who may not know about this potentially deadly condition easily avoided by spaying.

As Jetty says, another great, reason to spay, day.Thanks to btc4animals for hosting the hop.

37 thoughts on “Blog for the Change: Pyometra – Another Reason to Spay

  1. Excellent information to have! I certainly didn’t know about pyometra before. Alma also came spayed from the rescue organization, but this is good information to have for those in the show business, or those who wait a bit to spay their large breed dogs!

  2. brilliant! will share around my former shelter as we have a SNR program and we offer financial help for SN for low income families. I am also Tweeting this and putting it on FB. So impawtant when we expand our thinking to all those poor sweet abused females in puppy farms who just get brea over and over and over…leaky eyes…

    • Hey Savvy, Jetty here. Hi Miss Linda.

      Yippee, so glad you think the subject could help!!! Your shelter sounds so kind. Thanks for spreading the word Miss Linda, as you know, Mom still thinks I’m too young to tweet and FB.

      Mom got teary about the puppy mills, too.

    • Hey Jack, Hey Ginger, Jet here. Hi Miss Rebecca.

      Thanks Miss Rebecca, we hope it can help lots of K9s. 🙂


      Jetty, Mom’s got a lot going on sweetheart, I’ll reconsider in a few months.


  3. It’s important information! And one more plus for spaying your dog. I’m so glad that Linda had knowledge and shared it, I can’t imagine what the outcome might have been. Glad JJ is feeling better.

    • Hey Sampson, hey Delilah, Jet here. Hi Miss Jodi.

      Thanks for agreeing, we think so too. Miss Jodi, if people do not know, female K9s can cross the Rainbow Bridge way before their time. With the exception of storm issues, and remaining ear issues… she’s SUPER! Her belly fur is finally growing back a little. 🙂

  4. Hi sweet Jetty – Such important info – I remember when Miss Linda passed that along and it helped JJ (thanks goodness!!) and I will pass this along too. Miss Cassie was one of those used a breeder dogs – so sad, her mammorys have never healed and are still mishapen.

    I’m done with the Costco demo and next week I work at petsmart all three days!!! WOOP WOOP lotsa dog lovin!!

    I hope you and your family had a fun day!

    UH OH is that thunder I hear – OH NOOOOOO! I better get downstairs to put some hugin on my girl!

    sending oodles and oodles of love and goodnight hugs and kisses to you, JJ, Mom, Rachel and Pluffy xoxoxox

    • Hey it’s Jet here. Hi Miss Wendy.

      Oh, gosh, Miss Wendy, naughty, naughty humans for doing that to such a sweet Cassie.

      Yippee, a 3 day lovie fest for you next weekend!

      Yup, we’re in the midst of another thunderstorm. JJ is whimpering/barking, I’m in my man cave after about 10 minutes of Mom working with me to NOT climb onto her printer… wishing that it passes all of us rapidly.

      Sending get ready for next week’s lovies to you, Mr. David, Jacob, Cassie, Rex and Barkley. xoxoxoxo

  5. How very interesting hat you should write about this today. My very first dog, Alicia, also had pyometra. Back then it wasn’t as common for people to spay and neuter their pets. We had no clue what that could mean for her. I actually wrote about the incident too.

    I am so glad you are sharing this information. Alicia almost died from her experience, but thankfully our vet saved her. It sounds like JJ’s was caught in time. Thank God for Linda. If more people knew then maybe more would spay. Great post!

    Thank you so much for participating in Blog the Change and for spreading the word about the July 23rd dog rescue event. I am very excited to have you join us and bring attention to rescues.

    Mel Freer

    • Hey it’s Jet here. Hi Miss Mel. (We hope it’s Miss, if not, we apologize and let us know!)

      Sorry to learn Alicia experienced pyometra, too. Thank goodness for your vet.

      EXACTLY… yet another important reason to spay!

      Most welcome Miss Mel… after all, Puffy, Fluffy (my feline brothers), JJ and I are all rescues. 33,000 dog/cats are euthanized in my city each year… About 10 years ago, it went to 92,000 one year. I was 4 days from that unmentionable situation myself before Golden Rescue South Florida sprung me because they liked my face. (as you can see, I’m NOT golden!)

      Here’s a link to our first Blog the Change post… Thanks for creating this hop. 🙂

  6. Excellent post. Very important information. You did a great job explaining the symptoms. I think Monday Mischief should share the credit for saving JJ. I think you posted a Monday Mischief post and for once I was not days behind. 🙂

    PS I am behind again too and will have to go back and catch up on your previous posts. 🙂

    • Hey brown dawgs, Jet here. Hi Miss Linda.

      Thank you for the compliment, means a great deal. Good idea! Share the good… we thank MM too!!!

      We’re uber behind from the weather and our nana having a few falls. She’s doing better, thank goodness. Wish I could give her some Jetty lovies, but, she’s afraid of K9s nowadays.

    • Hey Talking Dogs, Jet here. Hi Miss Sue.

      Thanks for visiting and reading our post and complimenting our subject. 🙂

      Thank heavens your K9 made it. Phew. Do you still have her? What’s her name? Miss Sue? I’m part border collie too!!!

    • Hey Alfie, Jet here.

      Oh dude, that’s so thoughtful of you. Please tell Bella to share as well, ok? Uh… Alfie? How many lady friends do you have? Any special one? *waggy tail* right back. I walk with ladies most nights!!!

  7. I had no idea! Great, educational post – and another good reason to spay our dogs!

    Thanks for participating in Blog the Change!


    • Hey it’s Jet here. Hi A.J.

      Thanks for such kind words, we hope it helps at least 1 K9. There can never be enough ways to show humans the value of spaying/neutering.

      Our privilege to participate! 🙂

  8. JJ had Pyometra? That’s so scary. I am glad that she’s okay now. Oh darn, I did not know that I’ve missed the deadline of Blog The Change. I just read about it an hour ago.

    Being a responsible owner scares me a lot. And sometimes I still wish that I was as innocent and less knowledgeable about responsible pet ownership than I was before because I’m an easily stressed out person.

    Huggies and Cheese,


    • Hey it’s Jet here. Hi Miss Haopee,

      She sure did, endometriosis along with it, poor girl! We put the badge on our blog so we would not forget the dates… Mom needs all the memory support she can get!

      Oh Miss Haopee, life is too short to worry so much… all you can do is your best, which from the bit we know about you is fantastic! 🙂

  9. Great post for blog the change days! I have to tell you a short story…a few years back, my cousin’s dog went into heat, she was a yard dog, and they didn’t plan on getting her spayed. Well, a dog hopped the fence, and you know what happened next. But my cousin caught the pair, and chased him off, and brought her dog immediately to get spayed because she did not want pups….

    Thank god they did, as the vet said she had a severe case of pyometra, which probably would not have been discovered if they did not bring her in to get the dog spayed. Guess it was lucky that other fella was on the roam….huh? Weird how things work out.

    • Hey it’s Jet here. Hi Miss Donna.

      Oh thank heavens they did… Mom asked me to share… there are no coincidences. 🙂

      Thanks for sharing such a personal story. We hope at least 1 female K9 can be spared by writing about this subject.

      Pleased to make your acquaintance, we like your gravatar btw. 🙂

  10. What great information, we’d never heard of this before, luckily I’m a Boy Dog, but it’s cool that you’re sharing this so others don’t have to go through what you did….

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  11. Pingback: Blog the Change – Spay and neutering your pet: Two personal stories « No Dog About It Blog

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