DIY Dog Houses 2.0

Hey It’s Jet Here.

I’ve mentioned many times previously how much Mom reads for her Kitchen Counselor Newsletter.  As part of her info overload, she receives updates about trends, including food trends.  This week, while scrolling through a trend email, the following photo caught her eye.

Ever the curious sort, Mom clicked on the article to learn that a new company, Architecture for Dogs, will go live next week on November 15th.   “Japanese art director, Kenya Hara, commissioned famous architects and designers to custom-build structures for different breeds ranging from the simple to the elaborate.  … each designer was asked to create a structure that would alter the way people interact with their pet.” Our humans will be able to download templates, watch videos and construct super cool K9 abodes like these:

The only small umbrage (VBP – vocab builder project) I take is that, all the 2.0 houses cater to more petite K9 heritages.  What about ‘ol Jetty boy at 80 + lbs?  Even Little Miss Svelte Figure at 56 lbs does not fit the criteria.  Hopefully, when the site launches, the architecture will reflect all shapes and sizes of homes for all shapes and sizes of K9s!

Excuse me a moment… MMMOOOOMMMMM… get out the nail gun, the hammer, the tool belt… we’re going to build some mansions!

Another great residential architecture day!

Thanks to Life With DogsConfessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers for hosting the Saturday Blog Hop.

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51 thoughts on “DIY Dog Houses 2.0

  1. Woof! Woof! Interesting. Yes how about big(ger) dogs. We’ve donate my crate in the Humane Society and mom is looking into a doggie house that kind a look like a regular furniture. Golden Thanks for sharing. Happy Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Great idea but yes, what about the dog sized dogs 🙂
    Good luck with your building project – I have a feeling you’re going to have a mighty busy weekend. Make sure you’ve got lots of first aid supplies before you begin 😀

    • Hey Lady Litchi, Hey Sabre, Hey Boks, Jet here. Hi Miss Susan.

      Uh… Miss Susan? I was kinda, uh… being witty… Mom doesn’t own a tool belt… barely can wield a hammer… I’m planning on snoozing a good deal this weekend because she had us up until the wee hours last night chatting with a blogpal!

      BOL… first aid supplies!!! you must know Mom!

  3. Hi Y’all!

    I’m with you Jet! I weigh in around 100lbs…that wire thingy doesn’t even…I won’t go there…My Human moved everything off the coffee tables so my tail didn’t do it for her. Jet, if we stood up in that thingy, can’t you see the stuff flying? Sigh…That wood thingy might be big enough but doesn’t look so comfy for man or beast. 😉

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    • Hey Hawk, Jet here.

      Hawk, you must have 0% fat, dude… would have NEVER guessed your weight! I know, we could make a hilarious video though! Looking forward to the big K9 offerings… also, wonder if those designers shared their lives with K9s or just “thought pretty/cool!”

      Have a great weekend, Dude.

  4. Hi sweet Jetty – although they are amazing – I agree very silly to build dog houses that won;t house bigger dogs! I;m off to petsmart to work today – looking forward to seeing some great puppers! Enjoy your Saturday! love yo xoxoxo

  5. Hey Jet – Our Lady lived in Tokyo once for a few months and she said that everything there is so small, including dogs. They wouldn’t think to design for big dogs cause they just don’t have room for big dogs! Those are cool. Have a great day.

  6. We need a larger dog home too because I am 38 lbs but am considered a large dog and my sister is 80 pounds. Most dog stuff is made for those tiny dogs that are barely larger than my cats! if I ever get a dog house mom says it will be custom built but we can’t figure out why I would need one so most likely I will never have one. Happy Saturday!

  7. That is a great idea but we have to agree that it looks like houses for smaller dogs. And they also look really different which is fine but probably not everyone’s taste in dog houses. Have a great day.

  8. I was thinking the same thing while I was looking at those pictures. I can see me knocking all that stuff over. I guess I’m out of luck. My person says our house is too small to get something big enough for me. That’s okay. I’ve got my trails.

  9. Hey Jetty, Savvy here…I totally believe that “pet toy” companies are missing the real truth about what we all want and need…everyone seems to think that all dogs are under 10 pounds and all cats are kittens. Seriously, who is going to get them sorted out????…hmmmm…that would be YOU…Jetty!!! go for it!

    • Hey Savvy, Jetty here. Hi Miss Linda.

      Guess perhaps because they look cute in photos??? You’re right, someone must give larger, older furfamily members a voice… I will contemplate. 🙂

  10. I can’t wait to see youor very own built house – i ope there will be room for guests? And you needs a room for cooking in – don’t forget that or you won’t be able to help out any more, and you need a room for treats, and don’t forget the squeaky toy room, hang on a minute I fink you need a mansion!! Ope you have lots of nails x

    • Hey Dalton, Jet here.

      Dude, you MUST expand your services not only to include the PAWESOME Wagg treats and foodstuffs… you OBVIOUSLY have architectural and interior design untapped talents and insights. I would never have thought to include so many customized rooms.

      Of course you must include a guest room for pawesome pals like you and my other buddies!

  11. Pingback: Follow Up Friday – Weighty Issue Edition | Hey… It's Jet Here

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